
EDUCATION4.0: The digital platform for metal training

KUNZMANN is famous for designing premium milling machines for the metal training sector.

EDUCATION4.0 offers innovative digital methods for modern and interactive target group-oriented training.

You will mainly work with a special MLS platform and the KUNZMANN STATEVIEWER.

  • KUNZMANN learning platform EDUCATION4.0
    Central access to learning tasks and virtual training contents
  • Virtual training contents integrated in learning tasks on the KUNZMANN learning platform EDUCATION4.0
  • Use of learning contents in classrooms and “on the road” based on the machine’s digital twin

Current digital learning contents (in German only):
• Machine basics
• Training material for industrial mechanics
• Training material for mechatronics engineers

Start a new interactve era of digital milling machine and lathe training with EDUCATION4.0